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local adaptation中文是什么意思

用"local adaptation"造句"local adaptation"怎么读"local adaptation" in a sentence


  • 本土化


  • The visual system is able to perceive details in an environment with a high dynamic range by means of local adaptation
  • A region - based method for calculating local adaptation luminance was proposed to imitate the local adaptation mechanism
  • More resources are urgently needed for the most vulnerable countries with the lowest adaptive capacity , especially in the form of funding for local adaptation
  • The afcd also completed studies on intensive greenhouse production for local adaptation . in addition , two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production ? white bitter cucumber and garden pea ? were introduced
  • In the conclusion part , with the environment of the modern china , the dissertation gives the premise of the evaluation on the judiciary independence in republic period , and at last gives the essential conclusion : the reform in the republic period is gradually changed , from reality to the exterior . this is the course from ideality to realism . this is a kind of choice which has local adaptation in mind
    在结语部分,本文立足于近代中国社会变迁的大环境,确立了评价司法独立在近代中国历史命运的前提条件,并在历史追思和实证考察的基础上,得出有关司法独立在近代中国的发展历程的基本结论:近代中国在对司法独立进行价值追求的过程中,逐渐抽空其内在的生命,转而崇拜其外在的空壳,并将这个空壳视为真实的存在,以便于使其依归于中国的现实,实现其一种本土化的选择目标? ?从理想到现实的转换、从价值理念到工具理念的颤变。
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